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My snake is bigger than your snake! - Mafu (14/10/2002 1:39:58 AM) |
Heres a photo of Morpheous, my coastal carpet python. He is 2 and a half, and just shed today - which means he lost his outer skin layer. Heres a photo just after he started - you can see the old skin peeling off, and the glossy new skin underneath.
P.S. He's HEAPS bigger than the little Slinkey Bob!
My New Pet Slinky Bob - Elsta (10/09/2002 7:23:41 AM) |
This is Slinky Bob my new carpet snake.. he’s only small now but just wait till I’ve trained him to attack and kill people who come to my office asking silly work related questions! Slinky lives on my desk next to my PC and eats sweet lil pinky mice.
Stay tuned for more adventure of Slinky Bob!

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My New Pet Slinky Bob - Elsta (10/09/2002 7:23:33 AM) |
This is Slinky Bob my new carpet snake.. he’s only small now but just wait till I’ve trained him to attack and kill people who come to my office asking silly work related questions! Slinky lives on my desk next to my PC and eats sweet lil pinky mice.
Stay tuned for more adventure of Slinky Bob!
A darling pet - a_greatchic (15/07/2002 7:57:29 AM) |
Reptiles are cool. I live with a friend who owns snakes, lizards and scorpions. 2 Coastal Carpets one is george the other is a big bitch named georgina prolly 7 foot long, 1 baby diamond python named neil, 1 golden tree snake thats farts called pharo, 1 baby murray-darling python named darling (we call it bitch lol) and 3 eastern water dragons called rex, rox and i forget the other ones, a 3 dirty little scorpions.. not worthy of names lol haha
It has been decided that i am to make darling, the baby with too much skankatude, a real darling, right now it attempts to bite u at every chance it can... i have been biten twice already and it that is just a baby makin me bleed lol... we hope it dont get to 7ft with that kill attitude.
dave_melbourne2000 you will find a pet page link, there u will find some of his reptiles.
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Its official, Reptiles are COOOOOOL! - Mafu (13/06/2002 9:13:44 PM) |
Do you want a pet? Do you want a cool pet?
Forget your fluffy cats. Forget your yapping dogs. Forget a bird that stares insanely out of the cage at you saying “Pretty Polly”, while really it is plotting a bloody and painful demise for you.
Enter the reptiles, stage left.
Reptiles are cool! Not only are they cold blooded, hence the terrible pun (that was intended, and I intend to bore you with it for the rest of this rambling post), but they are extremely cool to look at as well. I’ve got three pythons (well four if you count the trouser snake), which I have had for 2 years (the pythons, not the trouser snake!). They are very friendly (the pythons, not the… hang on, he’s friendly too!) if you handle them regularly (I’m not going there!).
OK. A new paragraph. No more sexual connotations, shear information.
Reptiles have specific requirements – they need a home that has a temperature gradient from one side to the other, water, and a meal every couple of weeks. That’s it.
Are you going on holidays for a week? No arranging someone to come in and feed them for you, they will cope just fine! Don’t have time to play with them tonight, well don’t – they won’t care!
You can (and will probably) get bitten one day or another, but this needs to be put in context. The only times I have ever been bitten has been when I am feeding them – and hey, if somebody put their hand between my mouth and a bacon double cheeseburger deluxe, they’d probably get bitten as well! A bite doesn’t hurt any more than a staple or a pin pricking you, and it is over before you realise its begun. Its nothing to worry about.
Pythons feed on mice and rats – but don’t feed them live prey. Not only is it cruel and illegal (RSPCA Regulations), but more importantly, a rat will defend itself, and can quite easily put a hole in a python – I have spoken to a number of people who’s python died when a rat bit straight through its brain! So live feeding is a no-no. I buys frozen rats in bulk, keep them in the freezer, and defrost them at feeding time, warming them up to body temperature. I also feed my pythons in a container away from the cage, so that they don’t associate my had coming into the cage with feeding – it means I don’t get bitten often!
Anyway, reptiles are cool – you need way more info than this if you want to keep them, but never fear! Have a look at the book:
CARE OF AUSTRALIAN REPTILES IN CAPTIVITY - John Weigel. Care of Australian Reptiles in Captivity is an essential handbook anyone interested in keeping native reptiles. Information on 40 varied Australian reptiles from lizards and tortoises to pythons and venomous snakes. Chapters cover housing, feeding, captive breeding and diseases.
Or the websites: Enclosure information for reptiles Ultimate Reptile Suppliers The Herp Shop
my excuse for a dog. - Kitten (7/06/2002 1:29:32 AM) |
she's fat, lazy, barks at anything.......
remind you of anyone in particular ladies and gentlemen??
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My cat, she is pretty - Porcupine (13/04/2002 11:04:23 AM) |
Look at my pretty kitty!