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A darling pet - a_greatchic (15/07/2002 7:57:29 AM) |
Reptiles are cool. I live with a friend who owns snakes, lizards and scorpions. 2 Coastal Carpets one is george the other is a big bitch named georgina prolly 7 foot long, 1 baby diamond python named neil, 1 golden tree snake thats farts called pharo, 1 baby murray-darling python named darling (we call it bitch lol) and 3 eastern water dragons called rex, rox and i forget the other ones, a 3 dirty little scorpions.. not worthy of names lol haha
It has been decided that i am to make darling, the baby with too much skankatude, a real darling, right now it attempts to bite u at every chance it can... i have been biten twice already and it that is just a baby makin me bleed lol... we hope it dont get to 7ft with that kill attitude.
dave_melbourne2000 you will find a pet page link, there u will find some of his reptiles. |
Sounds cool!
You've gotta remember that when you are a baby snake, everything in the world could eat you - thats why they are so biting when little. Its not like they have legs so they can easily run away!
Just keep handling the little sucker, it'll soon realise that you aren't trying to eat it.
You *aren't* trying to eat it are you? ;-)