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Scared as hell! - Elsta (29/04/2002 6:54:34 AM) |
I pick up my TRX 850 tomorrow... There will be a review if I get home with her!
Here is a preview of her... yet to be named.
two words....
and, did you realise your specs are written in French?? honestly.. boys and their toys.
Ouais bébé je, vouloir à la tapis à longs poils mon vélo... Je l'aime aussi. Le vélo + la substance française va tirer le grand temps de poussins
Translation Ouais baby I, to want with the carpet with long hairs my bicycle... I like it too. The bicycle + the French substance will draw great time from chicks
Original Text Yeah baby I did, Wanna shag my bike... I love it too. The bike + the french stuff is going to pull chicks big time!
So Elsta, is it easy to park? I imagine that it would be.