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  • Jedi 2 review - Elsta (21/05/2002 8:03:10 AM)
    Alright, seeing no one is doing any game reviews I thought I’d give it a go.

    The game: Jedi Outcast 11
    The price: Free (Demo)
    The engine: Unknown, Looks like tribes or quake engine at a stretch

    Eye candy factor: 6/10 The game looks good enough though they could have put some more work into making a believable atmosphere. Eg: it’s snowing but there is no snow on the ground (falling from the sky but not collecting on the ground).

    The play: A bit like tribes as far as the weaponry and shootouts go but then you pull out this Light Sabre you have no real control over and the view switches from first person to homosexual or at the very least bi-curious mode. The demo was over in the blink of an eye taking all of 10 minutes to play through.

    Do I recommend it? Well if you’re on optus cable and your download speed will be throttled back, as they say, and a cap put on your download quota then hell I recommend you download every stupid fucking game you can, while you still can ... twice.
    Re: Jedi 2 review - Morte (16/06/2002 7:00:04 AM)
    Yeah, d/l ed it from the Telstra broadband Gamearena mirror, myself. Yup, d/l the bastards out of existence! Use all the non-rated bandwidth you can, while you still can!
    Played it in 10 minutes, same here. Liked it, didn't notice the unique perspective you have with 3rd arse perspective until you mentioned it. ewwww. Pointless and annoying how the saber burns a big hole in everything if it just repairs itself after a minute. More destructible environments will enforce players to take more responsibility for their actions, I say!

    More force powers in the demo would have been USEFUL.
    Push, Pull, and Heal were fun, but not enough.
    Question: What the fudge happens when you need a key off an imperial guard, and you force push/pull him off a ledge into an abyss?
    Having built-in Force Jump is good.