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  • Brocolli / Brusells Sprout Solution - Princess (12/03/2003 7:37:09 AM)
    You know something, as a good little kitchen bitch, I am going to share how to prepare brussell sprouts in such a way that you won't know you're eating them.

    Look in your vege bin, and grab some carrot, some corn (I actually prefer to use tinned edgel corn kernals) an onion, some fresh garlic, some brussell sprouts (and for the love of god make sure they are fresh) 2 should do, a potato or two, a nice lump of brocolli, and a yummy bit of cauliflower and whatever else you have in there (with the exception of tomato and lettice, they tend to be uncoth in this dish). Peel, Chop and prepare as usual, as for the sprouts turn them into leaves :-) steam it all for about ten minutes, or until the potato is cooked but firm.

    Now walk over to the freezer while this is all happening, and grab that puff pastry, while there, reach back into the fridge and grab a block of cheese (I find cracker barrell the best).

    Let the steamed veges cool while you get a pie tin and grease it, put the sheet of pastry into it. Poor the now coolish veges into a mixing bowl, add about two or three table spoons of sweet chilli sauce and about half a cup of grated cheese, fold it all in until even. Pour into the pastry shell, top with greated cheese, and put it into a moderate oven (180 degrees C for the boys, and kitten), wait for the cheese to go all golden brown and the pastry to be cooked.

    Serve a big yummy slice to yourself, and your guests.

    This is called cotage pie - it is quick, the while process takes about 30 minutes when you know how to do it, and it is yummy. It is great for when vegetarian budhist lesbian mothers drop by unannounced. I will also assure you that this is yummy cold on a picnic in summer, or as a soccer mother as a lovely little snacky lunchy thingy.

    Here endith cooking with the princess.
    Re: Brocolli / Brusells Sprout Solution - Kitten (17/03/2003 1:53:46 AM)
    i resent that you think i don't know how to operate an oven!

    how else do you think i cook nachos?!?!
    Re: Brocolli / Brusells Sprout Solution - Princess (19/03/2003 6:33:14 AM)
    Your point is well taken, dear Kitten.