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  • Brocolli - Porcupine (22/02/2003 7:52:34 AM)
    I am not a vegetarian, though I have to admit that the idea of becoming one does present an inviting challenge. I can eat nearly any vegetable that I have come across so far. When I was a kid, the worst thing I could eat, after a Brussels Sprout, was Brocolli, and I carried this hatred of these two veges for a very, very long time.

    When my mass hit 95kg I started to look at my activity levels and the types of food I was eating. I didn't think I ate that badly. I was proud to count up to six types of vegetables per meal. But there are veges and there are veges. Ninja's girlfriend is studying to be a dietician and Ninja himself was pretty much into nutrition - the low carb high protien stuff, so we looked hard at what we ate.

    During this diet reflection I made it clear that I had a loathing for the afformentioned toxic demon plants from hell, which could not possibly have any nutritional value, and sole purpose was to make people retch. Any life form that can stomach the Brussels Sprout is obviously not of this planet, and really, the sick bastards that are farming that crap need to be locked up indefinitely and have their fields burned.

    Unfortunately, I have this book "What food is that? And how healthy is it?" by Jo Rogers, where I went to look up Brocolli. I knew we would find the food completely devoid of anything useful, similar to cornflakes. Instead, this is what was written:
    Major Nutrients per boiled 60g serve

    Dietary Fibre
    Vitamin A
    Vitamin E
    Vitamin C

    An excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, folate; a good source of vitamin E; a moderate source of fibre, calcium, iron. Boiling reduces the vitamin C content by two thirds. but the vegetable remains a good source of vitamin C. It is a good source of vitamins for vegetarians.

    So I gave up my biases and added Brocolli to the list of foods for dinner. It was difficult, but covered in some cheese, it was palatable. It wasn't long before it was acceptable. Now, it's damned yummy.

    So for all you people who are Brocolli haters, you have to make the change. Join us. You'll be better off for it.

    However, it will be a cold day in hell before I try to get a taste for Brussels Sprouts.
    Re: Brocolli - Morte (12/03/2003 7:10:44 AM)
    Have to agree with Brussel Sprouts. NEVER NEVER NEVER will I eat them. NOR will I ever ever ever eat tinned asparagus. WHAT were those people thinking? Take a beautiful crunchy stalk of asparagussy goodness, and boil the F$#K out of it until the intracellular molecular breakdown into brown goo in light brown liquid takes place, then sell it in huge tins that go into picnic/bbq plates that get tipped out untouched at the end.

    I find broccoli to be (on the surface) remarkably similar to cauliflower. I am finding my vegetables (whatever colour) to be, on the whole, much preferable raw or minimally cooked, maybe just blanched.
