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  • Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - Porcupine (26/12/2002 8:45:34 PM)
    Peter Jackson is a filthy whore.

    Not only do we NOT get to watch the movie in gold class because Greater Union has fallen to the dark side and had sold all gold class tickets to some souless bastard company before any of the public had a chance, but the story was also slaughtered.

    The movie is loosely based on a book of the same name by J.R.R.Tolkien. People did things in the movie that they never did in the book, things that should have been important were glossed over or ignored, some important events in the book just didn't take place at all in the movie or were changed drastically. Scenes were added that just didn't even help the story, probably so the self important actors could get more lines (like Arwen (Liv Tyler)). They re-introduced a love interest, which I guess is supposed to make the film tolerable for the girls because apparently they aren't interested at all in noble causes unless there is some sort of romantic thing happening. Are women typically that shallow? Peter Jackson seems to think so. Nothing worse than a director who treats the audience like idiots. I'm thinking he should treat us as Tolkien worshippers who have easy access to guns.

    You know, I didn't mind the story changes in the first movie. I appreciated that they had to cut stuff to fit it all in, maybe alter a few things here and there. But the changes in the second movie went too far. I kept trying to thrust the book out of my brain. However I nearly lost it when Aragorn fell off the cliff ... and again with the elves turning up at Helm's Deep. You think Gollum had it hard? I spent half the movie battling myself to just accept the movie for what it was, I really wish I didn't have to. For the completely anal retentive check out Tolkien Online.

    So, to appreciate this movie you have to [A] have not read the book recently (or care about the book) [B] be reasonably smart to keep track of all the places and people - I've read a couple reviews with people saying they were confused by all this.

    Unfortunately I can't recommend the movie as a good representation of the book. Is it a good movie to watch? I guess so, judging from the reactions of the less erudite people I went with. On some level I do appreciate the film. I am glad I didn't waste my money on seeing this atrocity in Gold Class - I did intend to go watch it again later in Gold Class, but not anymore. I won't be buying the DVD either until, maybe, the extended edition hits the bargain bin. I am not by nature a vindictive person however I think it goes without saying that Peter Jackson is fat, ugly, smells bad and has no friends.
    Re: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - Feast (27/12/2002 7:24:58 PM)
    "Not by nature a vindictive person". Bollocks. Peter Jackson is a hero. A living legend. Get him up here, I want to boof him. Best thing that came into New Zealand and don't forget it, my friend. A genius, complete and utter little hobbit boofable genius with a huge, yummy, rubable tummy.
    Re: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - Elsta (29/12/2002 9:32:38 PM)
    Who the fark is Peter Jackson?
    Re: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - Porcupine (30/12/2002 1:46:05 AM)
    Peter Jackson is the devil. He takes classic works of literature and slaughters them in film, then has the gall to give the movie the same name as the book.
    Re: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - Feast (2/01/2003 8:58:10 AM)
    This is who Peter Jackson is.

    This hero also directed 'Meet The Feebles', what better choice for TLOTR?
    Re: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - Purple Penguin (3/01/2003 2:31:17 AM)
    Damn - and I was just about to pop my cookies!
    Re: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - Morte (3/01/2003 4:05:04 AM)
    Peter Jackson makes cancersticks and wants your children to smoke them! - no - wait...
    Cancer! Ah! No! Don't give me cancer!
    Cynics all around - Ninja (29/01/2003 7:22:19 AM)
    I for one, liked this movie. I must admit that I thought the first one felt like it flowed a lot more smoothly than the second.

    The thing I don't like is people going to the movie with EXPECTATIONS when they read the book and then get disappointed when they don't see exactly what they read (their interpretation). Come on, you pay money not to see a movie adapted by the book but the Director's intepretation as to how to best show people the brilliance of Tolkien. You can't compare reading a book and watching a movie. Ever. They are different forums and as such is like trying to argue logic in a faith system such as religion. You either have faith or don't. If you have to be convinced to believe then it's farcical.

    I must admit that I haven't read past the 1st book but then I think that I won't read up to the third book now as I have seen how people get disappointed when they go the movies with expectations as you are bound to end up thinking you would have been better off not seeing the movie in the first place.

    I am still looking forward to the 3rd installment and hope that it ends on a similar note to how this epic was started.

    Re: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - Porcupine (29/01/2003 7:53:15 AM)
    I would have paid triple to see a good adaptation of the book! There have been many examples of excellent translations of book to film and well worth reading and seeing both. "Stand by me" and "The Shawshank Redemption" pop to mind. I think you are getting confused with the experience of reading a book to watching a movie VS making a movie from a book. No need to apologise. We love you for who you are, not how you think. Obviously.

    I can compare anything. Just ask me. Reading the book was pleasurable. Watching the movie was disappointing. See, done! Here's another, Alexander Finbow compares favourably to Peter Jackson. Hahahahaha!

    The best comparison is: the first was a fair translation of the book to film, the second was not.

    I don't mind changes if they clarify the story. But Peter's changes did nothing! Those sorts of changes to a text this coveted is just not on. I mean if you were to change the tired junk in a Stephen King novel, nobody would give a damn. Most readers would probably thank you.

    As for expectations, I read the book, I saw the first wonderful movie. How could I not expected another translation?

    Oh, how am I looking forward to the third movie too! I will be reading the third book very carefully, my friend. Oh yes.